Big River Bakery

Big River Bakery

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Big River Bakery is a small-batch bakery located in Shieldfield, Newcastle and specialises in slow ferment, handmade breads and baked goods, made with locally sourced ingredients. The small and independent bakery also has a shop in Teeside and both venues are a social enterprise, aiming to embed in the fabric of the area and contribute to the wellbeing of their surround communities.

Drop in five days a week to buy your fresh bread, impressive range of sourdough, stottie sandwiches and delicious baked goods as well as inspiring training courses and baking workshops.

Big River Bakery is a community bakery founded in Wylam which first started as a volunteer run climate-change initiative through a social enterprise called Earth Doctors Ltd. The bakery was a spinout from a climate-change action group called Wylam Green Street started by Wylam residents about 15 years ago.

Both bakeries run baking employability programmes to help people move forward who are long term unemployed. The bakeries also employ people on the autistic spectrum and have taken on staff through the Government Kickstarter programme.

Image © Big River Bakery

Useful Information

Opening Hours

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 8am - 4pm

Wednesday: 8am - 4pm

Thursday: 8am - 4pm

Friday: 8am - 4pm

Saturday: 8am - 1pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Events at Big River Bakery

National Stottie Week 2025

February 24th to March 1st


How to find us

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