Opening in the trenches of Flanders, a personal story unfolds in post-war industrial Birmingham as the Shelby family navigate the decisions that determine their fate and Tommy is intoxicated by mysterious newcomer, Grace. While Tommy is building his empire, Grace is operating as an undercover agent for Special Branch on a mission to get close to the heart of Tommy’s gang. As the story unfolds, hearts are broken, and revenge is sought.
Spectacular dramatization and breath-taking dance is heightened by a live on-stage band performing specially commissioned music by Roman GianArthur and iconic Peaky tracks from _Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Radiohead, Anna Calvi, The Last Shadow Puppets, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes_ and _Black Rebel Motorcycle Club_.
Throughout Rambert’s packed-out UK theatre tour, long-time fans of the TV show and audiences coming to Peaky fresh, were united in their enthusiasm for this adaptation written by the series’ creator Steven Knight with direction and choreography by Rambert’s Artistic Director Benoit Swan Pouffer.
The Kevin Bloody Wilson show is not just a concert performance; for most, it’s a...
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